Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog 8

Playground bullies written by Michael Russell was a very well thought out commentary. He provided great examples of bulling when it comes to politicians. He indicates about a “war tax” that was mentioned by the groups and members of congress who do not agree with the President’s decision. I was very pleased with this article and the message it is portraying. I completely understand that while some are out playing a game of golf other are in the line of fire protecting those playing golf. Yes the subject of war is not an easy subject but it is something that has to be done. And since we have been at war for 8 years we need to finish what we started. If the Afghan people want a change, they need to work with the American troops and work as hard as our men and women are doing to bring upon that change. They need to embrace the help that our troops are there to provide. I can only hope that the sacrifice these men and women and their families are doing is for the good of another nation.

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