Thursday, October 1, 2009

Open your mind

The commentary “Open your minds, America” on CNN, written by Rudy Ruiz on Sept 3 2009, provides information on how closed minded we the American people are. The words “flip-flopper” in the political worlds is a big issue now a day. Politicians would rather stick to what they have said even if they are wrong then to be labeled as a “flip-flopper”. Mr. Ruiz indicates 3 reasons why we close our minds: “labels, lifestyles and listening”. We immediately label someone as a "bible-thumper" when we hear the words “God” or “moral”. We are quick to categorize because of the way we think, work, and live in this digital world, instead of doing our own research. We don’t ask because we don’t want to listen to a long complicated response. Mr. Ruiz also writes that changing our minds is not a character flaw but a manifestation of higher intelligence. I completely agree with Mr. Ruiz in this commentary. In order for our country to move into a better place for everyone we need to open our minds to new things. Instead of labeling people we should start listening to them and then maybe we could have a second opinion. We need to stop thinking that what is right is what we have thought of all along. Let’s go to town hall meetings with an open mind, willing to see someone else’s point of view. But they key to a better America is we need to be willing to listen, willing to open out minds to new ideas. If we, the American people, are not willing to open our minds, then there will never be progress in our country. This article in my evaluation could not have been written any better. He is blunt and forward with his message to the American people. The author said it best, “opening our minds can only enhance the prognosis for our most cherished patient: America.”

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