Friday, October 16, 2009


In the commentary Health Insurance Companies Tell Women: You’re a Pre-Existing Condition written by Allyson Kapin provides a little more about health care companies and what they have the right to do. I was in complete shock to read that pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition and could not be covered in a lot of states. If one becomes pregnant the insurance company has the right to just cancel one's coverage. Just to avoid paying millions of dollars on medical claims. How selfish can these health care companies be? Also to find out that women pay more than men for the same policy insurance. That just because we are women we are immediately considered as pre-existing condition. I wonder if any of these people whom have had their insurance cancelled are COE’s or business owners. A reform is needed to help not to hinder the American people. As long as there are greedy people out there we will never be helped. This article was very informative for me; it provides details on the insurance companies and what they can do. This article is for everyone to read and to understand that the only one benefiting from a no healthcare reform are the health insurance companies. We need to come together and stop arguing about how the health reform will cause deaths for the elderly. As a woman I don’t want to get pregnant and be afraid that my health insurance has the right to drop me and consider my pregnancy pre-existing. How ridiculous can the American people be?

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